מילון אנגלי-עברי - האות W - עמוד 1
אנגלית | English
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
עברית | Hebrew
א | ב | ג | ד | ה | ו | ז | ח | ט | י | כ | ל | מ | נ | ס | ע | פ | צ | ק | ר | ש | ת |
עמוד | Page
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
- WAC officer
- wack
- wackadoo
- wacko
- wacky
- wacky fringe
- wacky/lunatic fringe
- wad
- wad of cash
- wad (the)
- waddle
- waddle (across/behind/forward/up/ down/around/about/into)
- wade
- wade (ashore/ through/out/ across/towards/ the/in/into)
- wade in the mud
- wade into
- wade into (the)
- wader
- waders
- wadi
- wading
- wafer
- waffle
- waffle (on/on about)
- waft
- waft (across/in/over/ from/through)
- waft in the air
- wafting
- wag
- wag (ones) tongue
- wag (the)
- wag the dog
- wag the tail
- wag tongue
- wage
- wage a struggle
- wage a struggle (for/against)
- wage agreement
- wage components
- wage differentials
- wage dispute
- wage earner
- wage erosion
- wage freeze
- wage gaps
- wage increase
- wage increment
- wage increment (of)
- wage (on/the/against)
- wage scale
- wage stability
- wage war
- wage war (on/against)
- wage/income earner
- wager
- wager a bet
- wager a bet (on)
- wager (on)
- wager (that/the)
- wagering
- wages
- wages of sin
- wage/salary components
- wagging
- waggle
- waggle (around/the/to)
- wagon
- wagtail
- waif
- wail
- wail (to/about/over)
- wailful
- wailfully
- wailing
- Wailing Wall
- Wailing/Western Wall
- wainscot
- wainscot (the)
- wainscoting
- waist
- waistband
- waistcoat
- waistline
- wait
- wait and see
- wait (for/at/around/ behind)
- wait in the wings
- wait on
- wait on hand and foot
- wait on (one) hand and foot
- wait on someone hand and foot
- wait on that
- wait on (the)
- wait on the line
- wait out
- wait out (the)
- wait till the storm blows
- wait up
- wait up (until/for)
- waiter